Where are your donations for 2020-21 going?
Having experienced the Newborn Intensive Care Unit at Canberra Hospital first hand, we know what important and truly life changing work happens there every day.
The Newborn Intensive Care Foundation is 100% voluntary. The organisation directs 100% of general tax-deductible donations to:
- Fund medical equipment
- Nurse education
- Research (to primarily support the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit (NICU) and Special Care Nursery (SCN) in the ACT, Southern NSW and now Central and Eastern Gippsland)
Money raised in each region stays in that region.
Their aim is to provide clinical staff with medical equipment and nurse education so that sick and premature newborn babies go home sooner and healthier than would otherwise be the case.
The critical work they do helps prevent brain damage, lung damage, cerebral palsy, blindness and a range of other issues. This reduces the need for lifetime reliance on Government welfare and increases the chance of sick babies going on to lead normal healthy lives.
You can learn more about NICF on their website, as well as hearing first-hand stories from a number of perspectives.